Planning Meeting – Christian Youth Music Festival

    March 3, 2021 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
    Lake County Republican Party
    212 W Main Street
    FL 32778
    Joni Carroll

    Hello Patriotic Republicans:

    LCREC is committed to increasing membership and volunteer participation in 2021.  As part of this initiative, we are targeting certain demographic groups which we believe can be moved into our conservative community.  One of the first activities we are planning is a Christian Youth Music Festival.  Youth are the future of our country, but if they are not actively defending our country, they won’t have a country.  We believe that Christian youth are already receptive to conservative values, and members of Church Youth Groups will be easy to reach.

    We will be holding our first planning meeting at the Republican Headquarters office in Tavares, on Wednesday, March 3 from 6:30 pm until 8:30 pm.  Joni Carroll is the Lead Coordinator.  Her phone number is: 203-428-7736.

    Anyone interested in assisting with planning this event, please attend.  Any ideas can be forwarded by email to, or left at the Republican office with Lou Brown.

    We will also be organizing working groups for the purpose of outreach to Hispanics, Blacks and Churches.  Our outreach and recruiting efforts are not limited or exclusionary.  We are focusing on demographic categories which we believe are most likely to be receptive and produce the best results for our efforts and funds expended.

    Tom Vail | 352-348-6527 |Treasurer, Lake County Republican Executive Committee

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